Monday, November 27, 2006

The changes that a'came

Well, quite a lot's changed recently...

  1. Moved into a flat with Dan, nice little place, technically two bedrooms, but the smaller one you could barely fit a single bed in, so we just have a desk in there, with 2 computers, and some other crap. Big master bedroom, really nice bathroom, nice big living-room/dining-room/kitchenette. We got a balcony and a double garage too!
  2. Dan's got a new car, a, now let me see if I can get this right, a Mercedes-Benz C 190E 2.5 16 Cosworth. It's really nice, although I'm a little scared to drive it.
  3. The photo-shoot went really well, might have another one soon!
  4. New net, 16 megs of pant wettingly high speed!
  5. Got some "wikkid sounds in mah car blud, innit!" Two 12" subs, a 1000watt amp and some nice speakers. Dan fitted it all for me, I feel so girl-racery. Must admit, Justin Timberlake's new album sounds really good through it.
Ok, so maybe not that much has changed, but the first thing is pretty major. Mostly 'been listening to Justin Timberlake, Amy Winehouse, Nelly Furtado, Aim and Beck's newest albums. Just watched "A Scanner Darkly", great film, would recommend it, I wanna see the new Ray Winstone films (The Departed, Breaking and Entering), but dunno when I'll get a chance.

Well, that's pretty much it for now, ciao...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Finally back on the net...

So I moved into a flat with Dan, so we've had no net until today. I'm all behind on lots of things, tons I wanna talk about too, but I've gotta do some stuff, so I'll go into more detail later or tommorrow.