Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Spent most of the day in bed watching TV. When I woke up this morning I just felt so content, the room was cold but I was nice and warm in the bed just the way I like it, the sheets where fresh on last night so they where still lovely and crisp, he was already awake but not up, and I had that tingly feeling downstairs you get the morning after some great sex. After a little while he went out and got us brunch at half eleven-ish, bacon, sausage and egg bagel from the cafe underneath our flat, and a mug of tea, heaven! It's ironic that I find a man getting dressed sexy, I don't know what it is, maybe the way his muscles move as he pulls on a shirt or something, but as I was lying in bed watching him get dressed to go out I was getting turnt on, it happens while he was out I took care of that. He knew as soon as he got back what I'd been up to 'tho, he always does.

New QI on tonight, gotta watch that, although it's the 3rd in the series, I must have missed the 2nd one...

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